Sunday, November 28, 2010

Matt's Slightly Psychic Moment of the Week!!! #2

Sorry about the delay, but I know you all have been waiting it so I made it a bumper issue!!!  So here is this week's SPMotW!!!

10) Number 10 on the list tonight happened when we were waiting outside for my dad to come.  My mum was going to go in a get him and tell him to hurry up, but I was all like "No he'll be out in 3.. 2... 1"  And wouldn't you know it, he came out when I said one.  Psychic huh?

9) Next on the list occurred on the plane back to Nelson.  I was reading a magazine waiting for the the sign to come on allowing us to use or portable electronic devices.  I put away the magazine and just as I put it away, the seatbelt light went off, allowing me to listen to my iPod.  Coincidence? I think not.
8) Eighth on the list happened in Chemistry, when the conversation got around to Ms. Rutter's age.  I channelled all my psychic energy and said "32".  And guess what her age was?  If you guessed 32 you can join me in being right.

7)  Next up on this great list of marvels happened after my Chemistry exam.  Adam Lambert's song "Fever"  was in my head during the whole exam.  And when I finished my exam, I went to my car and "Fever" started playing on the radio.  How's that for a psychic premonition?  But because it involves Adam Lambert (and I don't like him that much) it only makes 7th on this list.

6)  Picture this scene - Declan;  "The Japanese breakfast thing is on tomorrow [Wednesday] at 7:30".   Me:  "No, it's on Thursday at 7:45".

Come Wednesday morning, no one is at Morrison's cafe, whereas on Thursday morning, it is jammed packed with fun and festivities.  I know this is (one of the many) examples of me being right, but I credit my ability to always be right to my slight psychicness.  So that's why this makes it to number 6 on the list.

5)  I was watching The Mentalist on TV2 the other day, and he was all like "Imagine a shape inside another shape"  and I was all like "Oh, she's totally going to say a triangle within a circle".  And once again my psychic powers come through for me.

4) No time for a guest spot on SPMotW.  And today's guest is none other than Declan "Double D" Dover.  And the reason that he is number 4 on the list is because he predicted that the next food coming out of the basket was steak.  And he was right!!!  Spending all that time under my tutelage as really paid off for him.  He may even crack the top 3 next time.

3)  Third on the list is the time when I predicted my Wide Reading interview was going to be about Treasure Island.  And as sure as a seagull gets web-toed, it was!

 2)  Getting the silver medal is when I was singing "I'm in Miami" by LMFAO.  I then turned on the tv, and Randy Jackson Presents America's Best Dance Crew was on.  And one of the songs that one of the crews danced to was in fact "I'm in Miami" by LMFAO.  That's some crazy shit right there.

 1) Rounding off the list at number 1 today is another time I was on the plane back to Nelson.  I saw that my mum was reading a Woman's Day and she was looking at the best dressed.  I thought to myself "Taylor Swift  maybe on there".  I had a quick glance but I didn't see her.  I was saddened because I thought my powers were fading.  But later on my mum gave me the magazine, and lo and behold after further inspection she was on the list (and was the best dressed one there).  So worry not loyal fans my psychic powers are still intact thanks to Taylor Swift.

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